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Hightech in old Egypt:Hightech of the Aegypi gods
Sokar - Sternentor - stargate:
According to my opinion the queues place also to energy there. If with the three heads the efficiency represents then needs such a star gate ne quantity Energy.
Higtech Laser used before approximately 10000 years: Stonemason with the work! The one holds polymeeres display that obviously indicates the surfaces which still can be removed. One considers the narrow fingers. This humans did not use probably as well as ever a chisel. Under the arm he carries an industrial laser. At one person you can see the cables clear. The other one rolled the cable up and is going. It concerns thereby apparent a old-fashionable laser does not separate one on Microchiptechnologie be based. The persons both do not carry eye protection - that means the that the laser in a the position is to be computed and spent a complex interference field. In addition custom one "supercomputer", which is not produceable from humans on earth yet. The square small box looks like a display. The two round parts are furnace-obviously switches. One round switch can quite select with es over 100 symbols. The one seems to have a beer belly. One of the Gods once wanted as it became an alcoholic to exterminate all humans.
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Here still another illustration from the Harthor temple: It concerns obviously the representation of high voltage cables which possibly end into a gas filled piston. One considers the energy flowing by air during the left illustration. If one tries to copy the same will find out that the glass rather fast evaporated. The glass by simple Magicballs or also flicker lamps evaporated simply as soon as the tension or the Ampere rate increases. But without this increase one will never see lightnings outside the piston! It is not advisable to touch the parts, because one falls down death at a certain tension. The man with the other piston looks like a lion or a lion human being. Which I would not like to exclude. Since at least a gene laboratory is eraehnt by a Pharaoh in scrolls. Which I want to suggest with the fact is that if weak human is confronted with high voltage he falls down he simply and remains to lie death. According to my opinion the piston can be thus impossible from glass. It is however nevertheless transparent - that is Highchem. Nero let a wall build allegedly around the Harthor temple. There is still the wall, however it is not to be looked at so easily, since it is under water. Perhaps Nero ignited Rome, because he learned to read thoughts in Egypt. If Nero has been nuts bevore he would never become emperor from Rom.
If the Djed Pillar is functioning with the blood of Isis - is Isis then a robot? By the way: The Dejed Pillar in the picture is the power source. In my opinion it produces energy from quantum fields. There is an illustration of a Djed pillar in with are drawn stars between the individual plates. The stars produce gravitation fluctuations and quantum fields by theire movement. My theory confirms according to to my opinion.
In my opinion the following illustration shows a kind of transformer station. Perhaps in order to supply other devices with energy or like the Egyptians said waves. At the lamps in the temples and pyramids at a time no cables were to. The devices to carry things weighing tons were also slack. I think for winning energy unhomogene quantum fields are used. Then the waves are used to generate another kind of field.
have heard a voice - I hould greet the Asgard from Ahmetbey Ptolemy (2008/06/15)- was flying around here in huge masked ship. (I have said I first need something to write, but then he told me the simplyer to remeber Name, but I like the Original Name more). Ahmetbey Ptolemy was verry kind. ALIEN UFO-4 Reptilians (The Hathor history) Egyptian Pyramids Build Secret Revealed - Libyen ? I sea a hand with a rose, some transformators, 2 technical locking structures, a spark-strecke and letters lock like Runenschrift(in german) - I think it is not from the Pharaohs - i guess its older How have the pyramids been biuld ?
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