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LHC and other proton cilliders - the black hole genearators - STOP THEM ! bevore it is to late
First - in 1999 i liked the LHC a bit,
black hole generated at the LHCnearly the end of the world !
click on the link above and watch how partikels move around other after a collision like particels move in Nature
arround a black hole in centaurus a. Thes Terrorist have lyed on us for years ! They say if something like this ever happens
they will stop the machine and warn the people - they have not done that! and hope for a stabel black hole
The LHC is called "Weltenmaschine" - worlds machine. Why is it called so?
The LHC in a territory with special rights and can not be stopped by court !
sensorsa logical definition why the LHC particel detector is blind for mirco black holes and superstrings
red giant the way black holes are made in space from burned out suns
lie_1 lie 1: in the atmosphere are happending such collisions all the time - wrong
lie_1 lie 2: black holes are deflagrating - wrong
lie_1 lie 3: black holes are not dangerous - wrong
lie_1 lie 4: LHC was the invetor of the internet - wrong
lie_1 lie 5: You need the weight of 3 suns to create a black hole - wrong
lie_1 lie 6: You need ... high ... LHC´s to create a black hole - wrong
lie_1 lie 7: LHC is running for .. years and for this reason it is not dangerous - wrong
lie_1 lie 8: predicted knowledge - wormhole travel, UFO´s for everyone, cheap energy - has not happened
lie_1 lie 9: The a micro black hole does not work because it can not create a event horizon lie.
lie_10 theire is first created strange matter and theire after that a black hole - wrong !
press brainwash How they try to wash Your brain and like to tell You that a Black Hole Generator is harmful.
blamed Aliens When I look TV I often see that theire are a lot of Alien unfriedly utterances and movies.
Some utterances from people working at LHC indicate that they are not from earth and don´t care about the destruction of our home planet.
predictions theire are a lot of predictions of a world doom and some are accordant to what proton accelerators can produce - they show theire mass destruction potential
hell what will happen when a micro black hole is created - hell on earth !
eV what is a eV and how many does the LHC use ?
apes paralels between modern CERN scientist and apes - one destroyes a notebook computer another one with more intelligence the whole planet
prophets the darkest visions of the prophets and the parales between LHC and the darkest prophecies
steven_h Steven Hawkins sends out a warning of the end of earth beacuse of the LHC bevor his death !
waste_of_money how much money was invested in the world doom
weapons Some people think LHC was made to develop new weapons agains alien ships and for starting the third world war or a black hole weapon
space the NASA founds something that is verry intersting - looks like someone else hase build a LHC in the past
dictatorship I thaught we have a democrathy in germany, but i was wrong, it is a dictatorship and maybee working for evil aliens - not the friends of earth
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